Things that pissed me off this weekend
So I went to a petrol station and this blue
citi golf from the 1800’s pulled up next to me and its “occupants” were smoking
cigarettes next to a petrol pump. Naturally, I asked the attendant to tell the
guy to put out his cigarette lest we re-enact that scene from petrol station
explosion scene from Zoolander or even 28 Days Later.
The guy with the cigarette saw me mutter and
point like a monkey in his direction...
...and asked me if I had a problem. So I said
yes, and asked him to put out his cigarette. All other conversation around us
stopped to listen to our exchange which went like this:
Idiot: You got a problem?
Me: Ya, put your cigarette out, you’re at a
petrol station.
Idiot: what?
Me: I said put out you’re cigarette, you’re
going to start a fire.
Idiot: sorry?
Me : Are you mad?
Idiot: what?
Me: Are you insane?
Idiot: Listen, you worry about whats happening
in your own car.
Me: I am, you idiot, if you cause an
explosion, we’re all gonna die.
Idiot: what?
Me: Just shut up with the “what”, oh my god!
In retrospect I should have said:
“A whalevagina says what”
At this point he drove off without filling any
petrol, but he didn't put his cigarette out to show me a point.
Asshole 2: My Pet Rabbit
I have a rabbit.
So Ozzy is teething and likes to bite
everything made out of leather. He did two really horrible things this past
week. Firstly he chewed up the armband of my really cool watch and secondly he
burrowed into my sofa from underneath the base and got stuck inside, I had to
flip the sofa over and entice him out by dangling pieces of lettuce suggestively over the rabbit
shaped hole he had made.
I bought him 3 teething rings, he ripped one
to shreds on the first day. As I type this he's nibbling on my internet cable. Ozzy you little shit!
Asshole 3: Shopping store line jumper
While out shopping, this one genetic disaster just decides to squeeze in in front of
me at the pay station. Now I wasn’t going to say anything, seeing as
I had already corrected my asshole for the week, but there was this woman behind me who
wouldn’t stop mumbling about how he jumped queue ahead of me.
The exchange went something like this:
Me: Hey, were you in line ahead of me?
Creeper Bastard: No I was in another line, and
the lady said I should come to this counter.
Me: Well then you need to go to the back of
the line and wait your turn.
Creeper Bastard: No but I was already waiting
in a line, why should I have to wait in this line too?
Me: That’s your problem don’t you think? Maybe you shouldn't make your problem, everyone else's?
Creeper Bastard: But it isn't my problem.
Me: Yes it is, you dolt, you’re the one cutting
At this point my boss from my law job walks past and he
says “Bip, why you fighting?”- This actually happened. I felt like a naughty child caught peeing on a stray dog.
Eventually another counter salesperson comes
up and asks me whether I wanted and to go to another counter to make my purchase.
Now it might have got a little dramatic at this point because I stood my ground
and said that I didn't feel that I should have to move to another counter, the idiot should move.
Of course, it was the principle of the thing.
But then the woman who had been egging me on ran to the other counter, made her purchase of cigarettes and left. I hope she dies in a car crash.
Of course, it was the principle of the thing.
But then the woman who had been egging me on ran to the other counter, made her purchase of cigarettes and left. I hope she dies in a car crash.
Eventually the manager comes up and I say: "Are
you the manager?"
She goes "yes."
I’m like, "is it store policy for idiots to cut
line whenever they feel like it?"
She’s like "no".
Then I’m like, "well then you need to sort this
bullshit out. I’m going to buy shit in another store."
Asshole 4: Me
I don’t give a shit. I’m right all the time,
even when I’m wrong. What the problem is?
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