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Saturday, 21 September 2013

Not so Special This (The Specialist, 1994)

For this my first post, I decided to write about a Stallone collection DVD I recently bought- “THE Stallone Collection”. Now it came with Cobra, Demolition Man, and Assassins. Naturally, I chose to write about the worst of them (but not by much), The Specialist. They should have known the movie was in trouble when Mario van Peebles turned down the offer to direct.

over the shoulder armdrag, that’s what you get for Catwoman, and this pile also.”

Stallone plays an ex- CIA hitman who now freelances by answering advertisements for hits on the “Internet”. Sharon Stone comes along apparently through her prodigious use of the “Internet” and wants to kill Eric Roberts for the murder of her parents when she was a child, and not just for the reason that he is Eric Roberts.

This Guy

Sharon Stone ends up taking on an assumed name (Adrian), having sex with everything and then faking her death. Later she would say she drew inspiration for the role from Tupac.

So Stallone ends up master-exploding the shit out of Eric Roberts, by sneaky teacup bomb methods he learnt from kitchens of the CIA.  If Sharon Stone was in that scene he could have been all like, “Yo Adrian, I did it”. The writers missed that.

Involved in all of this is an old bombing associate of Stallone’s, James Woods who has a few good lines, a few Wicker Man crazy spells and some Morpheus glasses.

James woods: (to old man wearing a colorful shirt] “Where are you going? Hey, use the stairs, this one's full. Get outta here! Get a new shirt.
“What am I doing in this?”
Stallone and Stone (“Stonelone”) hump and grind their way to the conclusion of the film accompanied by the tones of the latin heat that was Gloria Estefan. The details do not matter.

Two veg:

Stallone’s cat was named "Timer". Presumably he was a countdown to CATastrophe.


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